Area Newsbriefs

(St. Clair County) – Capac is one of the few communities in the area that appears to be moving ahead with a possible marijuana grow operation in their village. Council members voted last week to havetheir attorney draft an ordinance for grow and processing facilities which will be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to a final vote by the council early next year. At least one building, of between 500,000 and one million square feet, has been proposed with the potential of creating nearly 300 new jobs.

(Lapeer County) – The Village of North Branch has received a $425,000 SAW grant from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality that will allow the village to address needs with their wastewater and stormwater management plans. The funding will allow for identifying needs with both systems and to develop a plan of management and correction for water quality and public health. North Branch was one of 72 municipalities to win a grant, based on a lottery draw.

(Sanilac County) – Deb Messing, Executive Administrative Assistant, was pleased to present a check in the amount of $83.00 to Jennifer Gezequel and Jennifer Lentner for the Child Abuse Prevention Council! The funds were donated by staff during the month of August through their Casual for a Cause fundraiser. CMH employees donate funds through their “Casual for a Cause” fundraiser were they are allowed to dress casually every other Friday in exchange for a $3 dollar donation. The money donated goes towards initiatives that benefit citizens of Sanilac County. Former recipients include the Sanilac County Humane Society, Eva’s Place and CPS Project Blessing.

(Lapeer County) – The Imlay City Chamber of Commerce cant’s seem to keep a leader of the organization. After agreeing to split duties of the Executive Director earlier this year, and forming two part-time jobs, the Chamber has struggled to find someone to step in and fill the roles. Most recently, Melissa Anglebrandt, who just started her duties as Executive Director three months ago, has resigned. Angelbrandt said the job demands more than the 20 hours allowed each week and did not have time to do the job correctly. The Chamber is now seeking applications for a new Director.

(Lapeer County) – Two Rolls-Royce and a Porsche were among the vehicles lost in a garage fire in Lapeer last week. Firemen from Lapeer and Elba Township responded shortly after noon Thursday and found the garage with the class cars fully engulfed. Also destroyed in the blaze were two motorcycles and a modified pick-up truck. Neighboring structures and homes sustained some fire and smoke damage, according to firemen. The cause of the blaze remains under investigation.

(Huron County) – A four-alarm structure fire destroyed a home west of Harbor Beach Fire early Monday morning. According to fire officials, the home on Klug Road was fully engulfed in flames when firemen arrived just before 1 a.m. A smoke detector is being credited for alerting the family to get out of the home with their pets, although one dog was still missing after the fire. Other nearby structures were protected by firemen from Harbor Beach, Sherman and Sigel Townships and Port Hope who remained on the scene until 4:30 a.m. No injuries were reported and the cause remains under investigation.

(Huron County) – Volunteers from multiple Huron County agencies, including the Sheriff Department, made Christmas a bit brighter for several needy families across the county. Deputies were working side by side of 44 other volunteers distributing toys at the North Huron High School gym for a program that has swelled to assist 300 children. Sheriff Kelly Hanson said the weekend event took in an estimated $40,000 worth of toys given to parents or guardians of children who were facing hardship at Christmas time